Eileen, I don't know if this will make a difference to your husband, but in my research on the internet about FMS, there is a theory (one of many) about how FMS starts. One of the theories is that after surgery, it can start. It has to do with arching the neck back so far when they put the breathing apparatus in your throat.
For every doctor, there's a different opinion about how FMS starts and what can fix it.
I've started a new drug, just approved in June, 2006, called Lyrica. It has been a great help with the pain. I can actually stay up all day and not fall in bed at 7:30 at night. There are side effects, though. It put me in bed for 2 weeks straight with my eyes rolled back in my head. When I tried to walk, I bounced off the walls! That has gone now. Also, it increases the appetite, my short term memory is gone, and my hair is coming out at an alarming rate. So, it's a trade-off, do I want to be skinny, have hair, and feel horrible, or feel good and look bad!!
One thing that I've found that triggers pain for me is sugar, sugar substitutes, and wheat. A nutritionist told me that wheat gluten is the worst thing for fibro.
I hope you can find a doctor who can give you some relief. Also, take your husband in to speak to the doctor. Maybe he'll believe the doctor. It's so frustrating for people to treat you like you're just nuts, so get over it and get on with your life.
There's a quilter on this site who has fibro and she uses the Guafenisin protocol. She's doing quite well on it, but it takes a complete change in lifestyle.
Sorry for the long post. I probably should have done this by private email, but it might help someone else who has the same problem.
I hope you get relief soon, Sharon