I've been reading the posts about meds - especially anti-depressants. I have fibromyalgia and I started out several years ago on Wellbutrin, but I got horrible headaches, so I was switched to a low dosage of Zoloft, which has worked well. I found that without an anti-depressant, when I would have a flare-up of symptoms, I didn't have any reserves to deal with it and I would really get in an emotional "pit." This keeps me on an even keel. My son (26 yrs old) is clinically depressed. We finally convinced him to take something to even out his emotional roller-coaster. He's taking Cymbalta, but he says he's still adjusting and feels a little groggy. I take Darvocet as needed for the pain and can usually manage the rest by pacing myself (not always easy). I'm considering Lyrica, but I don't know if I really need that just yet. I work full-time but have had to adjust the rest of my life to accomodate how I feel. I work at being positive and give myself permission to say no and to lie down when needed. I try to exercise but it always seems that I can do a really good week, then I get overly busy with work or at home for a week and then I'll have a flare-up of pain and then I'm back to square one with exercise - no consistency.