Hi Joan
Yes its all related, My husband and I got really good at charade's
I would get out, Can I have a cup________ just go blank, (Of coffee)was gone so I would motion a fake cup he, got it
Well my Doc was great He gave me things to do, I did not even drive I was afraid so I had to go to the grocery store and get a gallon of milk, Why milk, its in the back of the store! It took about 2 weeks before I got that milk. He put me on Prozac I called it my vitamin P, EBV is brought on by stress and just letting yourself get to run down, so that helped a lot, because on top of your work taking care of kids, house, bills etc.... Now you don't do anything and feel guilty about that toooooo, so yeah vitamin P, so just try to take care of you, call it selfish or anything you want but if you don't take care of you, you cant take care of anyone, that was hard to do. I worked on Jigsaw puzzles got my mind going, it was therapy
so do something like that, some may say well if she can do that why cant she do this? Because it has to please your mind, if it is sewing do that knitting do that , I hope you understand all this, Please ask any ? you may have I will try to help some Doctors just blow this off because they don't know anything about it go to the library look up anything you can I will try to find some web pages on this. I am good now the words still don't always come but way better than it was, memory is still iffy but my Doc say it that's selective memory HAHAHA he is so funny hope this helps its been 10 yrs now so oh and I gained 60lbs from doing nothing, and I still have that but this my be the year to get rid of my extra baggage. Good luck ......Jean