Oh goodie, a subject right up my alley
I've been on a 20+ year quest to improve health (was very sick due to chemicals being a hairdresser). I'm an AVID reader/studier. My hesitance at "suggesting" anything to anyone is that I might become seen as negative or health police. I look at it this way....information is power. That being said, information changes as new insights come along.
Nutrasweet (aspartame): google it...they've known it is poison for years....many syptoms of MS, fibro, Parkinsons, etc., related to such...along with brain tumors, etc. It turns to formaldehyde in your body. Yech.
Splenda is made by adding the chlorine molecule to sugar - the same way they make pesticdes!!! Mandy, no wonder your son reacts! Even if one doesn't have immediate reactions, the poison/toxins build up in your body. I believe it prudent to avoid all toxins that we can. Of course there are some inevitable ones via the environment. Don't give up in fear or frustration; become knowlegable and make changes - even baby steps - one at a time. It was a looong journey for me, and I almost gave up many times. There were no wonderful Whole Foods-type places when I began. Now, I enjoy shopping and experimenting with new, fun ingredients.
As for sugar replacements, Mandy....that IS difficult. Xylitol is good for many people, but sugar alcohols CAN be problematic (GAS) for many. LOL. I didn't have success cooking with it. As suggested, just begin reducing the amount of sugar. I've used date sugar as a partial replacement in some recipies......brown rice syrup is another one. I just made some awesome "bars" with brown rice syrup, some sugar, etc., peanut butter, different nuts (toasted), millet/rice cereal (organic, of course
), choc chips, oatmeal. YUMMY and lots of protein. Stay away from most commercial cereals. As the old addage goes...you're better off eating the box.
The preservative BHT is in the majority of them!
Also, avoid the plastic containers. Cooling bottled water was mentioned somewhere else - this has been shown to release the BPA's, which are toxic. Xenoestrogens are another fascinating subject.....toxins that act as estrogen in our bodies. Many of us have an overdose.
I'd love to share whatever I know. I don't claim to be a doctor, but as we know, experience, time and research are the best teachers. I have an MD brother.....we have been known to have some pretty interesting "discussions"
Doctors are not trained in nutrition - it is not mandatory in most states. Many will tell you that their education comes from drug reps. Hmmm
Anyway, take all of my information in a positive and loving light, please. I care about all beings
Jan in Spokane, where we had SNOW yesterday.....really!