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Re: Asperger Syndrome and you parents 22 Dec 2019 14:09 #146498

I understand what are you talking about but your link is broken.
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Re: Asperger Syndrome and you parents 03 Sep 2012 11:23 #87583

To you dear parents, keep fighting the good fight for these children, its worth it. You are special people. Asperger Syndrome, for those of us that has not experienced raising special children, is a form of autism. I quickly found this website as a begining of understanding this syndrome. I work with special needs adults, and have met so many of their parents. They are all God's gifts. [url]Ihttp://www.ask.com/health/adamcontent/asperger-syndrome[/url] . I am not in the medical field, I teach sewing, quilting and crafts in our community, but I have never had a job as rewarding and blessed as what I will do tomarrow (today is labor day) as working with my students.
Keep it parents, there's ways to get your loved ones help and a life full of opportunities.
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13 Jun 2008 09:52 #19925

Ok my son just had 2 test and 1 lab test yesterday. One test was History. His teacher came in took the multiple choice part of the test that he had done and graded it on the spot while he was working on the short essay questions. There were 5 of those. Alex had gone through like I told him and picked the easy ones first and did those. They were the last 2 questions. The teacher came up to him and told him times up and took the test. Alex's IEP has in it no timed test due to severe test anxiety. Alex freaked out. He needs an 80% to pass this class. That is when his teacher said that he is only grading 2 short essay questions instead of all of them and because he tests in a different location he didn't know this. Today he has his Spanish test. I am making him take it even though he is exempt from the foriegn language requirement now. However that teacher took everyones notebooks to grade lastnight and made them turn in their books. How idiotic! She told them if you don't know it by now you never will. :roll: Just 3 more test and were done. Rachel
Last Edit: by 911kitchen.
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12 Jun 2008 22:32 #19906

more from me sorry

i also want to give kudos to those parents on this thread that are fighting to help their children succeed in school and work at overcoming their disablities there is nothing for these kids to be ashamed of and by fighting for them you are empowering them to help themselves. as i said above my parents fought to help me and i couldn't thank them enough even now because they have instilled in me the never say die attitude that i have.

so big thumbs up to you parents
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12 Jun 2008 22:25 #19905

my main problem is that i was diagnosed so long ago i don't remember specifics or that i was to young to learn the jargon but basically my learning disablities fall in the catagories of spelling, basic mathmatics, and written expression. i was not as bad off as most in fact my sister has learning disablities also and hers are more pronounced than mine are. don't ask me to do any math with out a calculator even something as simple as 1+1 okay maybe not that easy but anything added above 5 i have to use my fingers to count. i had a great teacher in school that taught me a lot of tricks for remembering things like multiplication facts and the such and i understood algebra i did however fail geometry but i blame that on a really bad teacher, my brother who doesn't share the learning problems also failed her class. i think in my other post i shared that i have used things like cross words and word games and the such to improve my spelling skills, and i have tried to use quilting to help challenge my brain to improve math skills.
one thing i have learned in life is not to hide behind a label but to embrace it and strive to improve what has been dealt me. i know too many people that use labels as an excuse for their behaviors and situations expecting to be pitied or given a free ride because of a disability and it fires me up to no end because i try not to live my life that way. i know i am on a soap box now please disregard that last little bit i promise to be good.
the reason i feel i have deslexia is not because i see things mixed up but i rearrange things before i let them come back out for example as a kid when reading aloud i would add things or omit things even though i saw they were there. and dont ask me my right from left i know which is which but when i go to say them i inverably inverse them.
ps i like to use big words to make myself feel smart. drives my hubby crazy
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12 Jun 2008 11:13 #19858

Thank you. One more week and this year school is over. I am going to make him go to summer school though. Otherwise he really struggles during Sept and Oct. Please keep me in your prayers. We are also going to give up wheat this summer and junk food. I want to see if maybe diet might be a contributer to some issues. With pizza being a favorite in my kids diet this should be really fun. Rachel
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12 Jun 2008 06:51 #19830

I think that God must have a special place for all of the Moms ( and Dads) who year after year advocate (and fight) for their children to get what they need.

It sounds like you have a great plan Rachel!
Last Edit: by Wren1010.
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11 Jun 2008 20:54 #19809

I have been battling this school ever since Alex was in the first grade. He had 2 surgeries that year and his teacher and the school didn't feel he needed a tutor for the time he was going to miss. He missed 4 weeks with one and 5 with the other. Then what do you know he had major problems in second grade. He only passed first grade because he could read at a 6th grade level with comprehension. It was then that they told me he had ADD. Yeah the kid who sits still and never talks plays with the same toy for hours in the same place. He is anything but ADD. But it got him help so I did not argue with the school too much. I did though look for another Dr. to find what he did have. The we were told he had a PPD (Pervasive Personality Disorder). Wrong again but closer. Then they main streamed him off all help and what a mess that year was. Then we got the teacher that was a half wrestling coach half psychopath. He loved to throw things and scream ot the kids. The school officials and psychologist actually meet with all the kids and parents the year before these kids enter his class and warn them about him. Yes he is still teaching and yes he and I did have a huge blow out in the proncipals office on bright and early September day. (what a joy that was) So now I have Alex back on a 504. I did manage today to get him language exempt for his diploma. He is going to go to BOCES (vocational school) for 11 and 12th grade. There he will get his math credit. He is goint to take either welding or automechanics. He is great at the mechanical stuff. He could rebuild a carburator at 13 years old. So he isn't dumb. Thanx all for the support. Rachel
Last Edit: by 911kitchen.
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11 Jun 2008 18:13 #19792

Hi Rachel,
I don't know if this applies or not, but if your son is already qualified (504) under IDEA then this might be of interest to you. It is from the Federal Register. There are also advocates that specialize in dealing with schools when it comes to "mediating an IEP."

• Section 300.117 (Nonacademic
settings) has been changed to clarify that
each public agency must ensure that
each child with a disability has the
supplementary aids and services
determined by the child’s
individualized education program (IEP)
Team to be appropriate and necessary
for the child to participate with
nondisabled children in the
extracurricular services and activities to
the maximum extent appropriate to the
needs of that child.

I hope that this helps,
Last Edit: by Wren1010.
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11 Jun 2008 18:13 #19791

Hi Rachel,
I don't know if this applies or not, but if your son is already qualified (504) under IDEA then this might be of interest to you. It is from the Federal Register. There are also advocates that specialize in dealing with schools when it comes to "mediating an IEP." I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that at the age of 15 your son can possibly also be part of the IEP meeting and process, if you thought it were appropriate.

• Section 300.117 (Nonacademic
settings) has been changed to clarify that
each public agency must ensure that
each child with a disability has the
supplementary aids and services
determined by the child’s
individualized education program (IEP)
Team to be appropriate and necessary
for the child to participate with
nondisabled children in the
extracurricular services and activities to
the maximum extent appropriate to the
needs of that child.

I hope that this helps,
Last Edit: 11 Jun 2008 18:21 by Wren1010.
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11 Jun 2008 16:24 #19779

Oh man Rachel, I feel for you. Everything is schools now is like that, there is no place for common sense any where. Does your son have an IEP? If he does, is there any way to tweak it to deal with these problems. I know that an IEP can't cover everything. My oldest had one and I still had trouble with his teachers "I have a whole lot of students and I coach the vollyball team, I can't be expected to know which kids have an IEP" I actually had a teacher tell me that. When he was a junior, I went to the Assistant Princp. to complain about his English teacher. I was asked why he wasn't in Honors English and I said he had problems turning in his homework and he had an IEP. He told me the teachers should be helping and I let him know about our problems.
Frances in hot, hot, Austin
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I know this isn't about quilting but HELP!!! 11 Jun 2008 11:27 #19762

Ann, thank you. What I said was going to happen happened. My son has now stopped doing anything in school and out. His statement was what's the sense. First you should know that he worked very hard on a report that he did with the student who was at the top in the class. She was impressed with it. She double checked it his resourse teacher double checked it and then he turned it in. He recieved a very low score on it be the bibliography was not the way the teacher wanted it. An automatic 25 point deduction. It was there just not the way he wanted. There are several kids suspended right now in our school district. They are out skateboarding, golfing (with their parents), playing playstation, andthen they get tutored after school for 2-3 hours by teachers who are getting paid over time to do it. Then to add insult to injury these same kids stand on the corners and brag about what they did all day while everyone else was in school. If my kid had a tutor for 3 hours after school you bet his grades would be a whole lot higher. Instead he can't participate in any after school activities because he is struggling so much. He goes to after school study halls and before school study halls, he goes to resourse room during his and the resourse room teachers lunch. Yet none of this matters. The final straw for him was Monday night. He is a football player. He went to the football meeting (it was mandatory). He was told he couldn't be there because of his grades! So now he doesn't know if he can play football next year. I tried to talk to his principal but I got the RULES ARE RULES speech. SO if anyone has any suggestion I am open to them. Fortunately he is going to be 15 at the end of the month so he can't quit yet. But he is also stubborn. Once something gets into his head it's stuck.
Rachel :twisted: :evil: :x
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Asperger's 09 Jun 2008 08:51 #19583

Florence and Rachel, good luck with your quest for solutions for the problems related to Asperger's Syndrome. It is one of the most mysterious and frustrating syndrome I came into contact with during my career working with people with disabilities. And stupid - no other word for them- school assignments only add to yours and your childs frustration. My thoughts are with you and with your friend Rachel. Ann
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08 Jun 2008 20:59 #19561

hey Rachel that's me... I'm frustrated as H*** w/ teachers right now too. #2 twin is National Merit Scholar & failing history & english, due to assinine assignments, that even I can't figure out! Plus we're dealing w/ depression on top of it all... part of why I've been AWOL from TQS for about a week... glad I caught your post! email me & I'll see what I can offer... Florence
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