Question; is the silver interier border done with thread, or is it an add-on trim. It just looks like it has so much dimension!
Janet, your quilt is fantastic, Congratulations!
Hi Dawn! The Learning Quilt is all turned-edge appliqué, quilting, crystals, and buttons. Maybe you're asking about the square interior crystal border on the silver/grey tongues? They're quilted pebbles with a cosmojet crystal in each one (mostly cosmojet of various sizes - like 1,400 of them). Outside of that is a quilted feather border. And the silver/grey tongues are cottons, metallic coated cottons, and silk, background quilted pretty heavily with straight lines.
Here's a better photo:
Wow! You can put a pretty large file into a Forum post!
Thanks for everyone's wonderful comments! It's nice to belong to such a great group.