Well, I can't come to Houston this year, But "Three" of my AAQI quilts will be there. Whoo Hoo, I have always made jokes about doing a quilt good enough to go to Houston. I even browbeat a Bernina dealer until my new Bernina's tension was fixed to my satisfaction which was to quilt it well enough to send to Houston. So now Ammi has chosen three of my little charity quilts to go to the AAQI exhibit in Houston. I am pumped... They are #10133- The Leaves are Falling From My Memory. This a quilt that I dedicated to my DH who was diagnosed with early Alzheimer's about 20 months ago. Things are basically ok for now but every day is a challenge. The second one is #10134 - Occasional Sparks in My Fading Chain of Memories which is dedicated to my dear Mother who in her later years basically lost her memory but had these occasional sparks of clarity which always surprised us. The third one @10135 - Love Lived is dedicated to friends of ours in Texas. Doris was fading into Alzheimer's when I met her but I watched her fade away and watched her dear husband care for her in the most loving way. AAQI used to be a favorite Charity for me but since my Husband's diagnosis it has become a mission to me.
If any of you see my little quilts in Houston - buy them! or if you want to buy someone else's do that but take a picture for me if you see one of mine.
Support this effort. It is essential that we find a treatment that is effective if not a cure.
Will miss you all at Houston, Maybe 2013 will be my year!!!!! Hugs to all, Ann