The quilt show was great! Quilts and other fiber arts were displayed in 21 sites spread over 4 villages of the Val d'Argent area. (They used to mine silver in this area, hence the name. I know that because one of the venues was mining museum.) The setting was beautiful. The weather left something to be desired and if if wasn't for that and my low camera battery I'd show more pictures of the area. I will share a sample or two of the different exhibits. Some you have seen before if you are caught up on the shows here, for example Sheila Frampton Cooper was there with an exhibit of her quilts. There was also a display entitled the Best of QuiltCon 2015 from the Modern Quilt Guild. Many of those looked familiar to me, though it was awesome to see in person. I can't remember if Pam Rupert was on Quilt Show or not, but it seems I have seen her quilts before.
Rainy weather all day, but didn't let that stop us. Each village has beautiful flowers everywhere!