Exhibit 13 in Eglise Saint-Nicholas was pretty amazing. It’s entitled We All Love Flowers and is a collaboration between German and Afghan artists. The group in Germany provided the fabric and the group in Afghanistan embroidered the flowers. The embroidery is exquisite and looks like printed fabric!
Doesn't this look like a piece of printed fabric?
Check out the embroidery...
Also embroidered...
Here the embroidered pieces were incorporated into the final project.
Also at this venue Brigitte Paumier (France) had an exhibit of her work called "The Dot, the line and the Play of Shapes". LOVED IT!! Brigitte stages her textile writing and creates her abstract works by juggling with all kinds of dots and lines. She cuts fabrics free-hand, tears her photos up and sews them, (I don't have any pictures of the ones with photos in them), uses her sewing machine like a paintbrush and her threads like color paints. The drawing of a line made of successive points creates movement on the fabric and gives her patterns sparkle and life with a strong and stirring spontaneity.