There are 8 TQS members living in Singapore. You could contact any (or all) of them through their profiles. One of them is definitely quite active and has a blog (
Good luck with your search. I spent a few weeks in Hongkong about 20 years ago, and had a fantastic time buying fabrics. I did not even quilt at the time. I concentrated on silks. Quite often the best buys where at street markets in areas of the city where tourists and foreigners normally don't do, and a little haggling over the price (but always with respect and compliments for the seller) was expected. I wish I could sneak into your daughter's suitcase and do that shopping for you.
From the edge of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood
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Where to go in Singapore to purchase fabric
01 Nov 2013 18:26 #112180
I am hopeful that you or some of you can help me with this question. My daughter is leaving for Singapore in two weeks for her job and I want her to purchase some fabrics for me. She will have limited time in the two weeks she is there to search for fabrics. My questions are, does anyone have a resource in Singapore for batiks and silks? Best shops to go to? Prices for fabrics there? Any tips for shopping for fabrics in Singapore? I greatly appreciate your responses to my questions. I am excited for her to have this opportunity and her willingness to support mom's quilting habit!
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