No time for tap dancing, Rosemary. My biggest problem right now is something that I never ever thought I would even contemplate. Well over a year ago one of the teachers (a brilliant science geek -
) managed to persuade me to help him one day a week after school to run a club. Not a problem. I have enjoyed those sessions with a mixture of teenage lads from the exceptionally bright to the autistic spectrum ones. They play Warhammer 40k and I just generally helped out a little. Well, the teacher who has been running this club went off ill (depression and stress) over 4 weeks ago and I have been running the show by myself. This is not part of my contract. It's totally voluntary and I could have easily cancelled the sessions, but...... Well, I just couldn't do that. These boys are all a little 'quirky' and don't communicate well, except when they are focused on the game and forget that they are talking to others. I found out last week that the teacher whose baby this club is will not be coming back. He is taking early retirement because of ill health. I'm not surprised. So what do I do?? Do I commit myself to run the club, become a geek, and learn how to play Warhammer 40k??? Do I have the time and energy? I'll make my decision over Christmas.
So, it's either tap dancing or Warhammer.......