I drove into deepest Lincolnshire today in search of the Quilt Exhibition of the Impish Quilters. It was quite a little adventure. My SatNav (accurately programmed) to me right to the front door of the local Manor House where I got directions from 'His Lordship'. I bet he never had a little car like mine drive up his sweeping gravelled path. I found the quilt exhibition and I can honestly say, these 'Impish Quilters' (no idea if any of them are members here) are a lovely and friendly lot who make beautiful quilts, and their homemade cakes aren't bad either. I love these little shows. They are not as intimidating as the big national ones. So, Impish Quilters: Thank you very much for making my Saturday morning very special!
I then watched the World Cup Soccer match between Germany and Argentina when I got home, and the German team showed Maradona's boys how to play football (4:0). Lovely result if you are German!
Overall an excellent day!