I realize this is an older thread, but wanted to update a bit about TJ Lane, at least my experience.
I bought piecemeal over about 18 months a fully equipped chatelaine. I do a lot of handstitching and my sewing "bling" has been a real joy. However, the purchases often felt like pulling teeth. Things were repeatedly sent to the wrong address, or to the right but incomplete address, resulting in numerous delays. Emails directly or via the website were ignored for days if not weeks, and I never did have a phone call returned. At the time, it was I believe TJ's daughter (in another state) running the business and she had also another full-time job. I understood this but was still very frustrated with the poor response. Later last year, my silver needlethreader broke (that little wire didn't like the pull of a #10 between's tiny eye) and I contacted them via the website as to my repair options. I was told promptly that I could send to TJ for a free repair, and I did so, enclosing a letter that detailed my unhappy experiences with them to date. To my satisfaction, Tommy responded herself, returning my repaired threader with a two-page, handwritten note apologizing warmly for the problems and advising that she was handling these matters personally now. I have not had the need to test with further transactions, but hope that now the business end is being handled locally, instead of several states' distance away by family, that matters have improved.
Just wanted to let you know. Truly the beauty of workmanship of Tommy's silver sewing goodies really makes my work more pleasurable.