I found this really interesting and oh what a relief!
" Hi, Susan! Thanks for writing. We set the size requirement and expect folks to follow it but we never measure these quilts, and the judges are seeing them virtually, not in person. So, I can’t speak for the judges, but my sense is that it’s probably more noticeable if the edges are not square or one side is longer than another, than if it’s undersized/oversized by a small margin. Size would never be a reason we would eliminate a quilt from the auction. The only reason I can think of, actually, is if there it were so poorly constructed or fragile that we thought it might not withstand shipping. And that’s never happened.
I don’t know how the professional shows do it—whether they get the ruler out and so forth.
You’re safe with us and we’re really grateful to have your support!!
Amy E. Milne
Executive Director
Quilt Alliance
828-251-7073 office, 919-604-6264 mobile
125 S. Lexington Avenue, Suite 101
Asheville, NC 28801
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