I have a quilt that was made by my dad's great-aunt (the sister, i think, of my great-grandmother). It's a simple patchwork -- just alternating blocks, in 2 colors. The solid blue fabric, while faded, is completely fine. The alternate blocks, an orange w/blue flowers (though also very faded), all have holes in them. I assume the orange must have been a thinner/lower quality fabric than the blue.
(oh, it's from roughly the 1930s I think, but I'm not 100% sure on that)(maybe later...)
Anyway, it's right now just lying on top of a spare bed in our house but at some point I'd like to fix it. Am I looking at needing to cut away all the orange patches and replace them with something new? Or is it better to try and patch the holes? I have no idea how to go about doing this, but I'd like the quilt to survive future laundering as needed (though I will happily wash it by hand and line dry from now on, anyway...).
Is it better to take apart the quilt sandwich and totally remake it??
this is not something I'll tackle any time soon, just trying to get ideas. I'll be in the US in August and can buy period-appropriate repro fabrics at that time, though, so thought I'd ask now just in case.
Or is this something that a beginner should not mess with?