As many of you know, I am doing this year's BOM as a color wheel. I have yellow at the top, and going clockwise, I head into the oranges, reds, purples, blues, greens, and back up to the yellow. Then one day I wondered, did I do this right? So, I went to Ritzy's, Maggie's and Jennifergel's quilts, and they were the same as mine. But, when I went to Joen Wolfrom's 3-in-1 Color Tool, her colors go counterclockwise with the warms on the left and the cools on the right. I also have the book COLOR, the quilter's guide, which also follows the counterclockwise color scheme. Now, in today's TQS newsletter there is a feature on Michelle Jackson, telling us of a her color class, Color - 101, and shows HER color wheel going clockwise, with warms on the right and cools on the left. I am cofused at this point! Does it not matter what way the color wheel is going? Do people just not know what way it is supposed to go? At this point, I sure don't!
After 911, I learned how a flag hanging down (vertical) should be hung. The blue field with stars is supposed to be in the upper left corner. Oh, oops! I made a quilt with vertical American flags in the border, and they have the blue field in the upper right. That just seemed logical to me at the time. I can't change that quilt, and I can't change the current BOM, but I sure would like to know what is the correct color wheel for that NEXT quilt, down the road!
In beautiful Northwest Montana