I agree with Rita, you were very lucky Lorchen. My maternal grandmother lived in another city and we didn't see her much. My paternal grandmother still lives in my hometown, she's 90 something, we think, she's never told her real age. She's never been a grandmotherly type, at least to my siblings and me. On the other hand, I have the greatest Great Aunt, she's always been like a mom to my mom and like a second mom to me. From her I learned crosstitch, sewing, cooking, etc. I keep praying she sticks around for a long time. Carmelita, that's her name, is in her late 80s and in good health for the most part. We have this awesome "connection". She's always known what's going on in my life through her dreams. She met my daughter in her dreams before I knew I was pregnant. When I told her the good news she said "oh yeah, you're having a girl. She has been coming to chat with me, in my dreams, for a couple of weeks." After DD was born she said "Yes, this the girl tha's been visiting in my dreams"
I'm sure you'll be an awesome grandmother Rita! I hope I can be one too if I'm still around. Got a late start having my kids so will be a long while, I hope, before grand kids show up. Trying to take good care of myself so I can be healthy and strong in my golden years