I use the pages from mutual fund and stock annual reports for paper piecing. it's perfect for this use because it's free, and is sturdy but thinner than regular printer paper. it falls away easily when it's time to remove the paper. Forgive my typing errors, I'm using my hubby's new iPad.
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I use Translucent Vellum Paper from OfficeDepot, Item #345-854. It comes on a pad in 11" x 17" sheets of 50. You will find it with the tracing paper. When you tear them from the pad, cut off the sticky at the top edge and cut the paper in half for 8 1/2" x 11" size. I've found it to work in all of the printers I own, but it's possible that it won't work in all printers and copiers. So if it doesn't work in one try a different one if you can. I like it better than C & T's and it's not as expensive.
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