Has just the sight of a zipper ever given you a panic attack?
That was me many years ago. I would do anything to avoid sewing items with a zipper!
I have a friend whose DH puts in zippers for her. Now that's a lucky girl!
The only way I was able to overcome my fear of zippers, was to make myself sew them in.
Seriously, I forced myself to take 2 pieces of scrap fabric & a zipper and just have a go at it.
The first few were terrible, but then after not too many attempts, I started to think, "Hey, that
one looks OK." And before you know it I was never intimidated by zippers!
Isn't this the way with learning lots of things? Practice, practice.
Check out any or all of the following links. Have some chocolate for courage!
Soon you too will conquer your fear of zippers!
Check out Jamie Fingal's work. She has made some amazing art quilts using zippers.
For an easy to follow, with lots of photos, tutorial, look here:
This link is a list of a variety of tutorials from many sources:
I even came across a zipper system for quilting machines. Have any of you seen this?
And remember, the Zipper Police do not exist. You don't have to do it the "right" way. After all,
a zipper is just a strip of fabric that can be sewn between 2 other strips of fabric.
Good luck! It's a New Day! And you can do it!