Further information on 'White spirit' from the label.
full name 'White Spirit BS 245'
general uses - for thinning solvent based paints, cleaning brushes and general degreasin.
Contains: Naphtha (petroleum) hydrodssulfurized heavy EC No 265-185-4
For those who want even more information, go here
It is not good for the skin, as it is a
very efficient de-greaser,
My DH says that it is a version of Swarfega, but cheaper, and is not too keen on using it, but I remember my dad and brother using it whenever they had to work on the car or bikes, to clean themselves up afterwards. Besides you don't need much and just treat it with the respect that you would any other powerful household cleaners. It is probably possible to use other washing up liquids, it is just that in UK Fairy is the best, IMO