Jacky, it is all your fault - that and the empty jaffa cake box! (
The triangles are 1" side length (x 60)
I used taffeta (same as Lorchan was asking about previously) NOT a good idea! I ended up sticking the fabric on the cards using copydex before sewing.
Spiritsfold was right in her assesment, sew them together in pairs rights sides together first, then start combining them into pyramids.
The last 4 1/2 sides were the worst to stitch, I ended up needing to use some pliers to help pull the needle through as I couldn't get a decent grip.
All I need now is some really short pins to put the beads on with (I am so not going to stitch them on
Apart from all that it was quite fun and I could work on it in the lounge rather than just in the sewing room - now I just need to try and find where I put my tailors thimble down