There are all sorts of reasons one could have "Quilters Block". One thing that effects me that way is when I have so many projects I would like to work on - be they ufo's or new ideas - that I can become paralyzed and not know where to start or what to work on. Then I turn my back and work on nothing!
To combat that, I have learned that it really doesn't matter what I work on - as long as I work on something! It helps me to set a goal -perhaps it's just to work on something for 15 min or it could be to just put on those borders that have been waiting forever or it might be to pull fabrics for a new quilt. It doesn't matter if I finish something in that block of time - just that I get my hands busy!
And often, I find that I have spent more than that 15 minutes in my sewing room!!
Another thing that helps me, is I do keep lists of what projects I am working on, what the next step is for each, etc. I know many quilters don't do this because these lists can get quite long and overwhelming. But with my mini goals, I can pick something off the list that can be at least started in that 15 min block, and make a bit of progress on it. I don't have to figure out what to do each time I walk into the studio - I can just look at the list and pick something and go!
I also like to keep my projects and all the parts of it (pattern, fabrics, partially done pieces, etc) together. I keep a note on them too, so I know my thoughts from way back LOL. I will use plastic bins, or plastic ziplock bags, or shoeboxes even. Label the outside, and then when it's time to choose, it's easy to find the right box, and everything I need is right there! Really helps me!
At my guild, we have a monthly Sew In. We meet at our regular meeting place and sew from 8:30 - 5pm (or whatever time you can spend). I have found this once a month sewing day to be very productive! I keep a project packed and set aside just for this day. I pack it up with my supplies the night before and head out bright and early. Using this all day once a month strategy, I have finished 3 quilt tops in the last year! I don't have to wonder what shall I work on? I just work on that one, once a month til it's done! Perhaps this idea can be incorporated into your guild activities, or how about an all day sew in at your studio with one other friend once a month? You'd be amazed at how much you can get done!
Good luck! HTH!!