Hi Eileen,
I am not very sophisticated with my lists. I used to keep them handwritten in a notebook but a few years ago did get them into my PC. I tried using an Excel spreadsheet, which I did use for a while. But then I got a new laptop and don't have Excel on it. But I do know other quilters do use a spreadsheet style log.
So, now I just use a regular document, like Microsoft Word, and keep a simple list. I have a folder on my PC called UFO Tracking and I actually have 4 lists in it.
1) 2011 Current Projects
In Current Projects, I list the quilt name, and each step needed to get it done. As I finish each step, I put a DONE in front of that line item.
If a project doesn't get finished in that year, it gets moved over to the UFO To Do List. I add comments as needed to each quilt to help me remember what to do next or other important info.
2) UFO's To Do List
This folder has all my old ufo's listed in it and what needs to be done next for each, along with the date started.
3) Ready to Quilt
Ready to Quilt lists all my finished quilt that are "marinating" and waiting their turn on the LA. I list the name, what backing, what batting and the year(s) it took to make it. I also list at the bottom of that list, all the quilts I did complete in that year and who it was given to (if applicable).
4) Quilts I want to make
This one lists the pattern name, author, book or mag or if it's a pattern on my hard drive. Sometimes it includes the color scheme too.
As I said, not very fancy, but it does the job. I am sure it can be improved upon.