I am wondering if there is a place on the site to find the teaching videos/segments. I know in one episode Alex shows us how to do the mitered binding. I knew how to do that, but not how to end it. The video was very helpful for me as I am one of those visual learners! So I have books that tell how to miter the borders, and I know my husband will help me figure it all, but if I didn't know about that episode, how do we find teaching videos? I like cruising this site, but when I'm in the middle of something I would like to go to find it rather than searching forever! Is there a spot here that could be called tutorial videos so we can watch Alex or Ricky demonstrate a certain technique? I hope someone sees this post and understands me! This is a fun site, but maybe it can also be a teaching site, where we can just come to it and see someone demonstrate how to's.