You know, that's really my bad... Ricky and Alex are so wonderful AND so accessible - they are in my den anytime I want them; I forget what it was like. My heart raced a little getting closer to Ricky's booth the first time - and then it was only Justin.
That happened twice before I met Ricky. (Please don't get mad Justin, I love you too, but it's a little different with Ricky...)
And I ran into Alex unexpectedly at a show- I just turned a corner and there she was - she said something that made me realize she remembered me from 10 years before. That almost made me squeal with delight AND wet my pants at the same time! I've only been a member for a few months, I shouldn't forget how lucky we are...
And (Hi Pam!) I went to A LOT of concerts in high school and college... It IS kind of like that. Especially now. I don't think I would have thought so when I was 17.