Dawn, If your night sky is all black or dark blue and you have added or will add stars (crystals, beads, embroidery, or some such), you might just want to do a tiny little stipple in black 100 wt silk and let the stars be highlighted. That's what I did on "Noel" [url]see-quilts/quilt-gallery/[/url] and the judges loved it. Additionally, you may wish to quilt in some "wind characters" here and there within your simple stippling to be discovered by people who look closely at your quilt. I sometimes do this. You can find these designs downloadable in Dover Pictura
http://www.doverpictura.com/collection/0486991016. These have to be marked on your quilt first though and require slow careful stitching, but are really cool. I did this in my knight quilt, but it was a daytime sky. Still I think it would look cool in the night. I leave it to Margo or others for more traditional ideas on quilting. Look forward to pictures of the finished product.