I guess it'll depend on how big is the photo. I made the quilt bellow with four photos and only SID. It's a wall hanging and so far haven't had issues with the look of it.
At a class I took not long ago, the issue of how to quilt a photo came across, and the teacher suggested to fuse the photo portion of the quilt top to the batting, using some kind of light weight fusible, mark it on the "back and front of the batting and fuse both the quilt top photo and the fabric on the back of the quilt (hope this makes sense) to give it more stability and specially for quilts that would have other use than a wall hanging, if needed to preserve the look of the photo. You can also use some stabilizer on the photo to "make that block stronger".
Another idea that comes to mind is to SID and then put a few small hand stitches in inconspicuous parts of the photo to keep the layers together, kind of like using knots but hiding them.
Please let us know what you do and how it turns