Franceslovesfabric wrote:
I'm looking for people who have quilted with MonoPoly. I see that Superior Threads recommends using bottom line in the bobbin. My question is: I usually leave a long tail, pulling the bobbin tail to the top and knot and bury the tails. Does this work with MonoPoly? I've not used MonoPoly before. I usually use cotton although I have used the same method with Sulky threads. I was going to use MonoPoly in the bobbin also. Is it possible to do that? Every time I have tried using something different in the bobbin and on the top, the bottom thread always shows on the top, no matter how much I changed the tension. Today I am using water soluble thread to do a stabilizing quilting around each square. I hope to start the permanent quilting tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
Frances, I use MonoPoly for quilting in both my domestic and long arm machines. Just be aware that it is slick, and make sure the ends are secure, either with 1/4" or so of tiny stitches, or tie a knot and bury the threads if you are concerned about the look of smaller stitches.
I always loosen my top tension so that there is no bobbin thread showing on the top when I sew. Sometimes the tension is set down to almost "0"!
The monofiliment will not show on the back, but the bobbin thread can be really unsightly on the top if the tension is not right.
Monopoly can be used in the bobbin, but wind the bobbins at about 1/2 speed to avoid stretching and only fill your bobbin 1/2 full. That's a LOT of monofiliment!
Here is some info from Dr. Bob!