: I'm making some One Block Wonder quilts, and I have a question on getting all my triangles sewn together. Some times, when I have 3 of the triangles sewn, the resulting line will be straight, other times it won't. If I were to sew the hexagon completely at this point, with the ones that aren't straight, would puff in the middle.
I've been EXTREMELY careful to maintain a 1/4 inch seam allowance, and using a pressing board to line up the edges of my fabric as I press open my seams. Is there a trick I'm missing to get that final seam to be straight? Could it be my cutting of the triangles was a bit "off"?? I'm trying to figure out what is happening so that they will be flat, and just can't see it. I think the quilts will be okay after I get all my rows together, and the quilt quilted, but I don't want to have to fight my fabric to get it to lay flat while I'm making it.
I will be making 5 of these quilts for my family for Christmas (for NEXT YEAR, no way I would get that many done this year), and would like to know what I can do to get the half hexagons to be flat when I have them done.
Thanks for any and all help,