Thanks for letting me know that you haven't had any trouble with the Creative Grid ruler. I may wait to cut any more fabric until I get that. A friend of mine suggested using the Mercury Template Ruler. That looks like it would work for many different shapes, not just the 60 degree. One could spend a fortune on notions, and still not have them all.
I have noticed a few of my blocks being "similar", but I think they are off just enough that when I lay them out, they will either blend nicely, or I may not use some of them at all in my quilt. The first fabric I bought for this technique, it was an all over design, and the design wasn't large enough and the colors were so similar, that all the blocks looked the same from a distance, and unless you got close and inspected the blocks, you wouldn't know they were all different. Those blocks will probably end up being potholders rather than a quilt. (I picked some inexpensive fabric from JoAnns, with a 6 inch repeat, and only got enough for 6 repeats, so only got 19 stacks out of it).
I did notice when I was cutting my fabric, I had a little "play" room, so I could move the ruler up to 1 inch to get my cuts in a little different spot, and still get the most stacks out of the strip. I also turned some of my strips around and cut from the other end, so that they would start in a different place on the design. You could also start cutting with the angle on the ruler going the opposite way, instead of the fat end being close to you on the first cut, rotate it so it's on the top on some of the strips. If you didn't need all the stacks from a strip, you could always trim off a bit of the fabric to move the point of your hex to someplace else in the fabric. That should help get some varaition in your hexes.