I agree with you, I purchased a fat quarter pack to make a quilt with back when I first started quilting (before I realized I could change patterns to suit my needs) and the fabric was so off grain that I was losing up to an inch on some of the FQ when I was cutting them for the quilt. My blocks were not turning out to be the "correct" size, and I ended up putting the whole project away for years. I swore I would never buy precut fabric again, if they were all going to be off grain that much. And that experience also got me started buying more fabric than the patterns called for, so if the fabric was rolled onto the bolt off grain, I would have plenty to work with to get it on grain, and a straight cut. (Plus I always buy more in case I mess up and make a wrong cut or cut the wrong fabric)
After learning more about quilting, and realizing that I could change a pattern any way I like, I pulled that project out, and took what I had, and managed to alter it to get it into a finished quilt. It didn't turn out anything like the original pattern, but it's a quilt and I like it.
Diane in Colorado Springs