There I was, minding my own business, piecing together the blocks from the Illiana Quilter's shop hop, when I found myself having to rip out a seam where I had gone wonky. You all know that type of seam. Where in the center there are at least 4 seams intersecting, and if you go wonky, you lose that nice crisp point. My machine has a bad habit of pulling to the left at these intersections, no matter how slow I stitch or how much I pin.
Then the light bulb went off (sure hope it was a CFL, as I need to conserve energy! LOL
) Why not just start sewing right there at that intersection, go to the end of the row. Flip, then start again at that intersection. Voila! No wonky points!
What an
AHA! moment!
Maggie in E. Central Illinois