Zimmy wrote:
Now I have slowed down, take my time and get out the seam ripper if my quarter inch seam is just a hair off. My mom says I am a perfectionist, but I wonder, how close is good enough in everyone's eyes?
To me, how close is good enough, is up to each quilter and how close they want to be. Personally, I try to improve with every quilt I make. If something is off, then I figure out what I'm doing wrong, and work to improve it. If it's my cutting that is off, then I may just work with what I have, since I don't want to go buy all new fabric. But figure out what I need to do to correct it on my next quilt.
If it is my sewing, then I may take out my seams and do them over. And then work on getting it right the first time on my next project.
What is good enough is what make YOU, the quilter HAPPY. If you aren't planning on entering your quilts into shows, then they don't have to be "perfect" and as long as you are happy with your results, that is all that matter.
Diane in Colorado Springs