I am also looking for ideas on celtic knots etc. A few guilds near me are having a chanllenge called 'Borders' It begins with a basic (plain or fancy - whatever rectangle) beginning at no less than 2" x 3", up to 24 inches. Then we have to put on SIX different borders - One applique, one Celtic knots, one Pieced, one Stained Glsss, one Trapunto and one other of our own choice. A lot of people who started out, have dropped out. I'd like to do a celtic knot, but a simple own. If any one has a suggestions althoug the internet is full of them, if anyone has actually tried one, pls let me know.
For the thin bias strips, I took a course with Debbie Kimball, and she has a great technique - described in her book ' Beautiful Botanicals" Maybe she has a wensite that explains it. It's very similar to the one described on this topic - but I think she startes with 3/8 of an inch. Just place the strip along the line you want. Sew a running stitch at the edge of this. Then, curve the rest of the strip over and under and applique that side. It's easy-peasy!