Judymc wrote:
Anne, you are not alone in needing a cheat sheet to keep track of needles, thread, etc. When I took a class for my new Bernina, I asked if they had a needle chart with size and purpose for each needle--and, sure enough, they gave all of us a copy. Maybe we need to ask the thread companies for the same thing. Judy
The problem with that (according to Bob The Thread Guy of Superior Threads) is that there is no universal system for threads.
One brand's 40 is another brands 60....ya just gotta figure it out fer yerself!
I have used YLI brand "invisible" nylon for years, and never had any trouble with it melting. Maybe my iron's not hot enough???
As for the tension with invisible thread, I don't ever mess with my bobbin tension for machine applique, but I do loosen my top tension quite a bit. I just don't want the bobbin thread to show on the top, and it also seems to take care of the puckers. One more thing you might want to try....starch your BACKGROUND fabric, too! I find that helps a lot!
Good luck!