Latest News from Headquarters
We are waiting for the final set to arrive from Australia, they have been
slowly swimming here since the 27 February! I know every one is waiting anxiously for their reels, but with it being a 'set number exchange' we will have to ask you for a bit more patience. I have contacted Tannes/Toni, so she can see if there is anything she can do from her end, and you can be sure that when they do arrive I will let everyone know here!
Lorna & I did investigate the possiblility of sending them on separately, but it would have cost another £1:06 each and since it affects 2 groups, this would add another £80 plus to the expenses :shock:
Actually Lorna & I reckoned that they would arrive today, after we had met up together yesterday, when I could have handed over the ones she needs, in person. Unfortunately that hasn't happened