I received my HSTs today and everything else stopped so I could count and admire them! In sorting, I find I have 41 states represented and the note said there were 45 US states involved. The states I'm missing are: Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and South Dakota. I realize 5 of these 9 states didn't have any participants, I just don't know which states those are. And if any of you are from those states and would like to swap just a few with me, I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email through my profile.
I was thrilled to see many names I recognize, a little disappointed at the number that were blank, and surprised I only got one of my own. Sending in 672, I thought I might get more than one of my own back. And I did get 2 others from Alabama, including one from my city, which, unfortunately, wasn't signed. I also received about 26 from overseas, representing 6 countries. MARGO: if you want to swap me for some of these, just let me know. You mentioned you got only a few overseas HSTs.
Thanks to Clara, Debbie and all the sorters for the overwhelming task this must have been. Now to press them all and figure out what to do with them AND the papers!