NancyW wrote:
Thanks ladies for your responses. I have a beautiful batik that I could pair with many different "lights" and have different combinations; however, the triangles would read as the same colors by using the same batik as the dark. I guess my question was is that a good idea so that everyone in the exchange would have this batik and a light? From your answers, it may be that everyone is using a variety of batiks (colors) which is great, too - I just wasn't sure what others read in the wonderfully written directions for this exchange. This one is my first with a large number of participants and I want to do right by everyone! I think Alex offering to sign the triangles is a lovely idea - very generous. I THANK the leaders and organizers for their hard work and patience!!!
Also, I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying reading everyone's little tidbits of sharing through this exchange. What a lovely way to make new friends from everywhere. Have a happy sewing weekend ladies. NancyW
Nancy, you are making it too hard on yourself if you want to "do right by everyone!" We are all so different, and we all have different tastes, so the main thing here is to put together a combination, or many combinations, that YOU like. If you are happy with it, then that is what you need to go with. Personally, I probably have about 6 different combinations that I thought went together nicely. Some who receive them may not like them. That's life. I will cherish each HST I get, as it is a mini piece of the maker!
In beautiful Northwest Montana