Welcome Sensational Strippers!!! We now have our own Forum page. I am posting the rules again here to keep everything together.
The rules for this exchange are simple as no sewing is involved.
1. The strips must be quilt shop quality batik with no obvious right or wrong side of the fabric.
2. All strips must be 1 1/2" wide and approximately 22" long. This will allow you to use fat quarters or cut a full width of fabric strip in half. This size will work with all of the quilts in Edyta's Friendship Strips and Scraps book - if you want to make a pattern using 1 1/4" wide strips you can cut them down.
3. Minimum of 25 strips and a maximum of 200.
NO more than 10 strips of the same fabric
5. You must sign up by February 28th.
6. The strips are due to me by April 30th. I will let you know when I start sorting and when the packages are back in the mail.
7. Send me an email and I will send you my address.
1. Fold the strips in 4ths, sort the strips by colorway and put the total # of strips and your Name and email address on the bags.
2. On the outside of the mailing envelope, put your screen name and the total number of strips enclosed.
3. Include a self addressed envelope with the postage needed to send the strips back to you.
4. Put your name and address in both the "mail to" and "return to" sections of the return envelope, that way the package will not come back to me, but will be delivered to you.
5. Send me an email when you mail them and I will let you know when they have arrived.
Happy Stripping,

Barb in Houston