PMartin wrote:
Barbara. When I see a post in the forum that refers back to another post is there a button I can hit to see what theya re talking about. For instance posts that say '"I like your map background" ...I can't tell what they are talking about.
Also is there a place to get tutorials on how to navigate the forum.... Thanks in advance
Short answer: no. Better answer: this is an improvement coming in the new website, soon to be rolled out. You will be able to Comment directly on a post and your comment will remain with that post.
It helps, if answering someone's question, to do what I did here--use Quote to copy what the person asked.
If you want to say "I love your fabric", it helps to use Quick Reply--which allows you see the name of the person you want to compliment. Address that person by name, when you start your reply. For example: "PMartin, I'm glad you asked that question..."
I have done videos on how to use this Forum and have shown the steps to using it in the first couple of LIVEs I did. Since the new Forum will roll out soon, and we will spend some time showing you around there, I don't think we will spend any more time on detailed instructions here.