Please remove all single/double quotes from the file name before uploading. Sorry for any inconvenience, security is getting increasingly difficult as our servers are constantly being attacked from hackers around the world. We are beginning to add warnings in various places on the website to remove all quotes from file names before uploading.
Hackers often attempt to upload a virus file which contain a special character such as a single or double quote within the file name in an attempt to inject malicious scripts into websites. Many websites remove this security block because of issues it causes with valid files being uploaded from their members, but by doing so they are leaving their sites vulnerable for that type of attack and is highly discouraged by the security community. To read more on this subject, you can visit:
The IP address may be blocked for 1 hour if this happens and may appear as a 500 server error.
Regarding trashing a person's cookies, technically this is not possible by any 1 website, but I do understand and accept the generality of the statement made by "rehak" who also offered some great advice, thank you... What she may be referring to is when we first launched the new website late 2014, we did use a 3rd party system that would pop-up and direct people how to get free shows. We later found that this software was saving the JU_DATA_ALL cookie (from Justuno) and in a bizarre twist was somehow being included into the URL after a person clicked on a newsletter link and was then forwarded back to our website. Our server security software was doing it's job correctly and considered this a possible threat, so it blocked the IP address for 1 hour and would return a 500 server error. We removed that system immediately when we realized what was happening but never did figure out why it was occurring.
Forever a work in progress and we thank everyone for their feed back.
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