I've been here since the first week and have seen TQS grow, mature, change, and do it's very best to be responsive to our requests - big and little! IMHO TQS has been the best thing that has happened to quilting (and to ME) in a long, long, time.
Perhaps it's just that the timing was right for ME personally in that I've always been SELF-taught and SELF-motivated, but it has encouraged and spurred me into greater creativity, shown me how to do things I had never even contemplated, and opened a world of 'hand/machine work' that I never dreamed could captivate my mind so completely!
The accessibility of so much talent (in the forum AND in the shows) is so great, I can't put it in words. You just have to be here to experience it - that's all.
And as to figuring it all out, please be patient - it's all here, we just have to learn how to use it!
Lynn, Houston