I'm going to add my vote to leave the fourm as it is. I may not be interested in something when every one else is talking about it, but I would like to find that information weeks, months, or even years later, when I do become interested. For example, the 2009 BOM, I haven't started it, but it is something I would like to do eventually, and I would hate to lose all the information that has been given on the different blocks and problems encountered, and have to post the same questions again. Or a new technique that has been shown, I may not be interested at that time, but months later, have a need to learn about it then.
Even if the posts are years old, there is still some very good information there. And the posts that aren't informative, are a great way to get to know the other people on the other side of my computer screen. I belong to a number of other message groups also, and I am always going back into the archives of old messages to find information that I had forgotten about, but knew had been talked about.
When I visit the forum, the icons show me which topics have new postings in them since my last visit, I don't even have to search to find new messages, and I can just select those to read.
Diane in Colorado Springs