There's a picture of Mrs. Cleveland's Choice at .
There's an interesting discussion of the block in Old Patchwork Quilts by Ruth E. Finley. Finley writes, "As for Mrs. Cleveland, all the world admired her. Not since the coronation of Victoria of England, half a century before, had there been so youthfully romantic a public figure as this charming girl who at the age of twenty-two married the President of a great nation. Beautiful of face, gracious of manner, cultured of mind, Mrs. Cleveland as bride, wife and mother created a White House tradition as typical of the last quarter of the nineteenth century as had Mistress Madison [Dolly Madison, after whom another qult block was named] of the first."
Finley goes on to say that "'Mrs. Cleveland's Choice' connotes the mature democracy, strong at last and sure and free in national thought and act."
There's also a picture of Mrs. Cleveland's Choice on page 121 of Carrie Hall Blocks by Bettina Havig. The book says the block was also called County Fair.
Anne in Vancouver, Canada