Yes Judy, it is the price I have to pay.
The locals buy fabric here at the going rate which is generally 17-26 Swiss francs per meter. That equates to about $0.98 to the Swiss franc at the current exchange rate for 39 inches (yard=36 inches). Or they may even order from USA internet sites. I know that a few of the guild members are going to the Huston show this fall. There will be empty suitcases going and fabric filled ones returning. This is what I do. Some do dye their fabrics but I do not. DH is already complaining about the space I take up in HIS office.
I am trying to build a stash. I seem to be tending toward batiks and solid colors for contemporary quilts and applique. That appears to be the most flexible option for me. I began with novelty fabrics but there use is more limited.
I also mentioned in another forum that I have loads of silks I bought when we were assigned in Singapore. I bought these for garment making but I don't need to sew garments much anymore. Especially formal dresses or suits. I would really like to find a fab quilt to use some of these fabrics.
And also having to put on a form that your handmade, beautiful quilt has NO value when you know it's really priceless is a bit disconcerting!