and to think we topped 21,000 this weekend! Whoo Hoo!!
BUT-- still under 7000 quilts posted! That means there's over 100,000 EMPTY spaces waiting for images!
So, I'm curious, if you haven't posted your quilts at all, or only some, why not? It was discussed that they don't have to be quilts YOU've made, and they don't even have to be quilts, they could be quilted placemats, purses, etc., I think they've been very liberal in the "definition" (someone please correct me if I'm wrong!). Or are technical issues the holdup-- no digital camera? slow upload connection? something else?
It's just that there are so many helpful folks on here that someone could probably come up w/ a solution for you, and we LOVE looking at the gallery!
So, if you've just procrastinated, well, no time like the present- if it's something else, let us know why!