for sure recycling, but not for money. Just for hopefully our grandchildren's worlds!
Glass, plastic, cardboard, newspapers. Don't do office paper yet....seems too complicated since it comes with so much throwaway mail these days. You know envelopes with plastic windows etc.
We don't use ANY aluminum cans. Don't do soft drinks. Use a PUR water filter pitcher inside the fridge. vs bottled water and all that plastic that needs re-cycling. Take the glass to the recycle place.
Batteries, will go to our big recycle place, but did you know the phone companies and/or Radio Shack also has a big bin behind their counter for phone, etc. batteries. I wonder if they would take my AA and AAA batteries? Idea!!!! I'll see.
I even Free-Cycled my small pots after planting my summer yard this year. Our native plant store will take them back so I was saving them to take in. A request on FreeCycle came up for 4" pots left over from gardening....seems this woman's mother raises Amarylisis and harvests all the little seeds and starts them in an individual pot! Can you imagine? Well, actually, yes, I can!