retiredgrandma5 wrote:
I was so thrilled to watch the show. My sewing machine technician and salesperson has said that quilting is a dying art and not many people do it anymore and she doesn't understand why people cut up fabric into little bits and sew them back together. I think this shows it's anything but dying out and how it's growing and growing. Yipee! Congratulations, Ricky, you're a wonderful spokesperson for quilters! Can't wait to see you in Glens Falls.
I recently bought a new sewing machine, and in the classes on using the machine ten of the twelve owners of new machines bought the machine primarily for quilting purposes. The owner of the shop says it is a sewing center, but even she admits that quilters are a major part of her sales. Why else would manufacturers make machines with features such as a larger throat and even feed systems, if they weren't aiming for the quilting market? Marge in NE Ohio