((Welcome Susan))
I don't think you are doing anything wrong
This is also my quilting guild along with all the quilt shows that I have taped. Their are so many wonderful teachers. Alex & Ricky both encourage us to spread our wings. I have a "great appreciation" to all that I learn from everyone. What ever I've learnt through these great teachers,I'm always happy to share.
The shadow Bleaching fabric,with an appliqued leaf was agreat show that Alex had on simply quilts. Kathy tried that and loved the technique.
Kathy meets Ricky for the first time on Simply quilts,she was very interested in all he has brought to the table and taught. He has helped me alot with drawing my feathers, helped me alot with my quilting skills. I also enjoyed his piano tunes. I can't tell you all that I have learnt from him,"Alot". Hand dyeing,Convergence,Rhapsody,and so much more.
The beautiful Applique Boms being done now takes me back to another show Alex had on Simply quilts with fusiable Flowers,called petal play,Kathy tried that and Loved it,cutting out little flower petals with fusiable web then taking two fusiabl flower petal fusing them together,then tacking each piece down tilL you have a nice flower arrangement. I used little yellow beads to tack mine down. Very pretty!
I watched another Simply Quilts show and Elenor Burns was on teaching crazy curves. "Kathy does alot of crazy curves."
Another show Simply Quilts was using four pieces of fabric, sewing lines 1/2 inch apart d.angle finish off the complete block then cut only through the first two layers in between each row. Kathy went out to buy new electric tool. now,Lets not forget the chenelle show,Loved the fuzzzy caterpillows,another tool Kathy had to have! I've yet to try totally tubuler,I Liked that one alot. I tried the fringed applique,like that alot too. The envelope quilts I made afew.
Kathy has tried many things from the Simply quilts show.
I'll probably have them all taped ten years from now, I have tried many things on these quilt shows,and their were many great teachers. I think Alex & Ricky are great teachers and they are bringing us a mix of all the great things to come through our journey of quilting. They are great quilt teachers. Did I say that already. Simply Great!
TQS is a place that I have met many wonderful friends, It's a place I Love to hang my hat too. It has been well worth the investment in all I have learned in just the time that I have been here.
TQS stands for many great things to come,and I don't want to miss any of it.
Kathy appreciates her Lerning process,and gives thanks to all her great teachers.
TQS Hugzzz,Kathy