I emailed Lotti the other day and this was her reply - I am sure she won't mind me sharing it with y'all -
"we've found out that my slip on the ice in january 2013 did quite a bit more damage than anyone had thought - i'll be getting a partial knee replacement on 11 december...
just got back from medica (our largest exhibition - something over 400m2 plus another 100m2 in form of a second story) on sunday afternoon. now to clear up everything at work - get budget 2015 settled - and get myself organized for surgery and some time out of the office (or in mobile office in hospital/at home).
as i'll be in hospital for about a week - i hope to finally get back to TQS - catch up on the shows and get into the chat
i'll be going to therapy regularly till end january - and will be home till anywhere from end december to end january - depending on how things go
hopefully will be able to sew soon
otherwise lot's of hand-sewing still to do on my hexie-quilt.
i'll be around soon
thank you for thinking of me - and i'll be around soon
big hugs and smiles to all
) lotti"